Distorted ideology in taekwondo history: focused on anti-Japanesism, anticommunism, suzerainism 인문,사회과학편 : 태권도사(跆拳道史) 속의 왜곡된 이데올로기: 반일주의, 반공주의, 종주국주의를 중심으로
48(2) 1-9, 2009
Distorted ideology in taekwondo history: focused on anti-Japanesism, anticommunism, suzerainism 인문,사회과학편 : 태권도사(跆拳道史) 속의 왜곡된 이데올로기: 반일주의, 반공주의, 종주국주의를 중심으로
The objective of this paper considered about the distorted Ideology in Taekwondo History, especially focused on Anti-Japanesism, Anticommunism, Suzerainism. Firstly, anti-Japanesism as Taekwondo Ideology rejected connection related between Taekwondo to Japanese Karate. Anti-Japanesism was arranged system for Korean style nationalism. Secoondly, Anticommunism in Korean history was called also 'Red-Complex'. Anticommunism as Taekwondo Ideology come out competition between ITF(International Taekwondo Federation) to WTF(World Taekwondo Federation), and also general Choi Hong Hi in overseas. Anticommunism as Taekwondo Ideology is still in Korea, because Korean is called usually 'North Korean Taekwondo' instead of ITF. Thirdly, suzerainism as Taekwondo Ideology was based on national confidence. Now Korea Taekwondo has responsibility for the fulfilment of obligations better than promotion of the authority of the Taekwondo suzerain.
Key Words
Taekwondo History, Taekwondo Ideology, Taekwondo Abroad, Martial Arts History, Martial Arts Culture
English nationalism in the newspaper coverage of the semifinal at the 2007 IRB Rugby World Cup between England and France 인문,사회과학편 : 영국신문의 2007 IRB 럭비월드컵 잉글랜드와 프랑스의 4강전 보도에 나타난 잉글랜드 민족주의 연구
48(2) 11-22, 2009
English nationalism in the newspaper coverage of the semifinal at the 2007 IRB Rugby World Cup between England and France 인문,사회과학편 : 영국신문의 2007 IRB 럭비월드컵 잉글랜드와 프랑스의 4강전 보도에 나타난 잉글랜드 민족주의 연구
This study examined English nationalism and sport in the global era. Particular attention was paid to the Franco-British relation expressed during the 2007 IRB Rugby World Cup. To do so, the current paper focused on the British newspaper representation of the semi-final match between England and France. Total of 18 newspaper articles including advertising messages were analysed. On this basis, this paper revealed that the media highlight the traditional rivalry between the two nations. Some hostile and aggressive expressions towards the French rugby team were also frequently used. Therefore, it concludes that the notion of nation still plays an important role in a global sporting arena and that the media actively reflect and reinforce English nationalism through featuring the English rugby team.
Key Words
national identity, globalization, England, rugby, Anglo-Franco relation, newspaper
Structural relationships among trust, organizational effectiveness, and job performance of sports organization employee 인문,사회과학편 : 스포츠조직 구성원의 신뢰와 조직유효성 및 직무성과의 구조적 관계
48(2) 23-33, 2009
Structural relationships among trust, organizational effectiveness, and job performance of sports organization employee 인문,사회과학편 : 스포츠조직 구성원의 신뢰와 조직유효성 및 직무성과의 구조적 관계
The research has purpose on searching structural connection among trust, organizational effectiveness, and job performance of sports organization employee. the objects for the research are employees of sports centers in seoul samples of 377 questionnaires by convenience sampling is used as final research materials. The results by using frequency analysis, exploratory factor analysis, reliability analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, correlation analysis, structure equation analysis with SPSS 14.0 and AMOS 7.0 are as follow; First, the trust has influence on the job satisfaction of sports center employees. Second, the trust has influence partial on the organizational commitment of sports center employees. Third, the job satisfaction has influence on the organizational commitment of sports center employees. Fourth, the job satisfaction has influence on the job performance of sports center employees. Fifth, the organizational commitment has influence on the job performance of sports center employees.
The role and assignment of sports in modern aging society 인문,사회과학편 : 현대의 고령화 사회에서 스포츠의 역할 및 과제
48(2) 35-45, 2009
The role and assignment of sports in modern aging society 인문,사회과학편 : 현대의 고령화 사회에서 스포츠의 역할 및 과제
The purpose of this study was to present the role and work of sports for the integration of old generation in modern aging society. This study explained healthy, economic, psychological and social problems of them in well-being aspect of old people and aging society in Korea. Also, The concrete assignments of sports were included in academic establishment of old aged physical education, promotion of activities of daily living, health, leisure problem, successful aging after their retirement and improvement of the quality of life, and increasement of sports participation for integration of old people in family. Finally, new organized study has to be followed in sports to maximize the role of sports in the aging society and guarantee the old aged life.
Key Words
old generation, aging society, sports, integration
The influence of service environment on the service satisfaction and continuous participation of customers in squash club 인문,사회과학편 : 스쿼시클럽의 서비스환경이 참가자들의 만족도 및 지속적 참여에 미치는 영향
The influence of service environment on the service satisfaction and continuous participation of customers in squash club 인문,사회과학편 : 스쿼시클럽의 서비스환경이 참가자들의 만족도 및 지속적 참여에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to investigate the influences of service environment on the service satisfaction and continuous participation of customers in squash club. To achieve this objective of the study, 352 members in the squash club in B city, 2008 were selected by purposive sampling. Cronbach's α and exploratory factor analysis were conducted to inspect the reliability and the validity of the questions. Also, the path analysis was used to examine the suitability of the path model and to presume relative influence between variables and the following is the result. First, the service environments(main facility, program, subsidiary facility, instructor, and staff) in squash club had a direct influence on the service satisfaction of participants. Second, program, subsidiary facility and instructor of service environment factors had a direct and indirect influence on the continuous participation of customers. Also, main facility and staff of service environment factors had an indirect influence on the continuous participation of customers. Third, the service satisfaction factor of participants had a direct influence on the continuous participation of customers.
Key Words
squash club, service environment, service satisfaction, continuous participation
The influence of estranging factors on recognition of dance class in the girl`s middle school students 인문,사회과학편 : 여자중학생의 무용수업 소외요인이 무용수업 인식에 미치는 여향
박연희YeonHeePark , 이근모KeunMoLee , 김인형InHyungKim
48(2) 57-66, 2009
The influence of estranging factors on recognition of dance class in the girl`s middle school students 인문,사회과학편 : 여자중학생의 무용수업 소외요인이 무용수업 인식에 미치는 여향
박연희YeonHeePark , 이근모KeunMoLee , 김인형InHyungKim
The purpose of this study was to analyze differences in estranging factors on the recognition of dance class in the girl's middle school students. To achieve the purpose of the research, the questionnaire was conducted with the subject of total 452 in the total 10 middle schools in B city by means of the purposive sampling. An exploratory factor analysis, t-test, and multiple regression analysis were used with SPSS 14.0 program. Based on the results, the research concluded as follow; First, in differences by meaninglessness and peer alienation among the estranging factors of dance class, girl students in co-educational middle school had the higher recognition than those of girl’s middle schools. Also, in differences by inconvenience of dancing facilities and dissatisfaction for teachers in the estranging factors of dance class, girl students in girl’s middle schools had the higher recognition than those of co-educational middle schools. Second, the factor of meaninglessness and the dissatisfaction factor for teachers had a negative influence on their recognition about dance class in the girl's middle school students.
Key Words
dance class, estranging factors, recognition, girl`s middle school student
Comparison of daily Life activity experiences between student athletes and non-athletes in a college 인문,사회과학편 : 학생운동선수와 일반학생의 일상생활경험 비교
The purpose of this study was to examine college student athletes’ and non-athletes' daily time use patterns. Research question was how student athletes’ time is distributed across different activity contexts? Seventy eight undergraduate students at a university located in large urban areas participated in this study. The sample consisted of 42 student athletes and 36 non-athlete students majoring in Physical Educautin. Time use patterns were measured using the Experience Sampling Method (ESM). Participants carried a small booklet of self-report forms and completed self-report forms when signaled over the course of one week. The ESM self-reported form contained open-ended questions, such as “What were you doing just before you were signaled?” Responses to this question were categorized into five broad categories of activities: schoolwork (i.e., classwork, homework), discretionary activities (i.e., socializing, leisure), maintenance activities (i.e., eating, resting), sport activities (drill or practice related to sport), and other activities. Results of this study showed that student athletes spent 43.1% in discretionary activities, 32% in maintenance activities, 16.3% in sport, 4.5% of their waking hours in schoolwork, and 4.1% in other activities. Non-athlete student spent 33.2% in maintenance activities, 26.1% in discretionary activities, 24.7% in schoolwork, 9.8% in other activities, and 6.2% in sport. Both student athletes and non-athletes experienced more positive affect and motivation during discretionary activities, whereas more negative emotional states during schoolwork. Findings suggested that differences in student athletes’ and non-athletes’ daily life activity experience might lead to difference in socialization outcomes.
Key Words
student athletes, daily Life activity, ESM
The analysis on sports discourse of media in Beijing Olympic game 인문,사회과학편 : 북경올림픽게임에서 나타난 미디어의 스포츠담론 분석
48(2) 79-89, 2009
The analysis on sports discourse of media in Beijing Olympic game 인문,사회과학편 : 북경올림픽게임에서 나타난 미디어의 스포츠담론 분석
This paper as a study on discourse building of mainstream explores type of discourse. Korea mass media, which are discoursive constitution of meaning and the mechanism for discoursive constitution of subject. The analysis will classify ideological characteristics and conflict opposition of conservative and progressive. In Olympic duration, ideologies in media coverage as militarism, nationalism, commercialism, triumphal justify foul play, violence, and excessive fondness towards victory. In conclusion, this paper proposed ideology for analyzing sport coverage in media. And demands the some criticism, argument and appreciation to apply to diversity of domain. Then, the approach may contribute to make the case for alternative way of relating cultural practice to the sport sciences.
The effect of coach Leadership on morale and team cohesion in professional baseball 인문,사회과학편 : 프로야구 지도자의 리더십이 선수의 사기와 팀 응집력에 미치는 영향
여정권JeongKwonYeo , 이창섭ChangSeopLee
48(2) 91-103, 2009
The effect of coach Leadership on morale and team cohesion in professional baseball 인문,사회과학편 : 프로야구 지도자의 리더십이 선수의 사기와 팀 응집력에 미치는 영향
여정권JeongKwonYeo , 이창섭ChangSeopLee
The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of charisma and servant leadership of professional baseball coaches on team cohesion. Specifically, this study attempted to verify how players' level of morale affected team cohesion and were affected by coach leadership. For achieving this purpose, some relevant questionnaires were distributed to 166 players in four professional baseball teams. This study drew the following conclusions. First, coach leadership produced a significant effect on the level of players' morale. Second, coach leadership and the level of players' morale produced a positive effect on team cohesion. Third, leadership of professional baseball coaches had causal relationships directly or indirectly between players' morale and team cohesion. Especially, this study found that coach leadership had an indirect effect on team cohesion, mediated with players' morale, as well as having a direct influence on team cohesion.
Key Words
Coach Leadership, morale, Team cohesion, Pro-baseball
The relationship between the employment type and professional identity, job consciousness of professional sports woman 인문,사회과학편 : 여성체육인의 고용형태와 전문직업적 정체성 및 작업의식의 관계
곽선행SeonHangKuak , 이웅기WoongKiLee , 강효민HyoMinKang
48(2) 105-112, 2009
The relationship between the employment type and professional identity, job consciousness of professional sports woman 인문,사회과학편 : 여성체육인의 고용형태와 전문직업적 정체성 및 작업의식의 관계
곽선행SeonHangKuak , 이웅기WoongKiLee , 강효민HyoMinKang
The purpose of this study was to find the relationship between the employment type and professional identity, job consciousness of professional sports woman. The subjects of this study were 278 professional sports woman who have located in Seoul and GyeongGi-Do areas and have working in field of sports occupation. To analyze the collected data, we used Windows SPSS/PC 13.0 Version, statistical techniques employed in this study were Exploratory One-way analysis of variance, Standard multiple regression analysis. As a result, we found some significant implications about the relationship among variables, First, according to employment status, autonomy in job which the subordinate concept of professional identity were position of management more than full employment and underarm-ployment, a sense of mission position of management more than full employment, utilize of professional organization were underarm-ployment more than full employment, position of management more than full employment and underarm-ployment. Second, according to employment status, business consciousness and job environment consciousness which the subordinate concept of job consciousness were position of management more than full employment. Third, higher autonomy in job and a sense of mission which the subordinate concept of professional identity had more business consciousness and job environment consciousness which the subordinate concept of job consciousness.
Key Words
employment type, professional identity, job consciousness, professional sports woman
Visual search strategies in a rugby tackling 인문,사회과학편 : 럭비태클 동작에서의 시각탐색 전략
권민혁MinHyukKwon , 김선진SeonJinKim , 한동욱DongWookHan
48(2) 113-122, 2009
Visual search strategies in a rugby tackling 인문,사회과학편 : 럭비태클 동작에서의 시각탐색 전략
권민혁MinHyukKwon , 김선진SeonJinKim , 한동욱DongWookHan
This study is to examine visual search strategies difference in a rugby tackling based upon rugby expertise. According to expertise and performance, The eye movement tracking system tracked the eye movements of 3 groups (experts, intermediates and novices) that made the decision of tackling performance depending on the films which composed of seven rugby offensive movements. Depending on expertise, the dependent variables which were the number of eye movements, fixations frequency, the ratio of fixations time, the average of fixations duration, the regional fixations duration on the body were analyzed through one-way ANOVA. The results of study are follows. First, in the number of sight movement and fixation frequency, experts appears to have lower fixations frequency than intermediates and novices. Second, in the average of fixations duration, experts had longer duration than two groups. Third, the ratio of fixations time in total performance duration is higher among experts. Finally, total regional fixations duration on the 9 body parts including ball shows that novices tended to set sight upon head, shoulder region which are vividly moved when making faint motion. Otherwise, experts tended to set sight upon waist region which is center of the body, and right leg which is axis of faint movement. Based on the result, as the variety attacking of rugby, expertise made different characteristics of visual action in rugby tackling. The results show that the traits of the eye movements were distinguished by expertise according to tackling performance against a variety of rugby offensive movements.
Key Words
rugby, expertise, visual search strategy
Examining the structural model between perceived motivational climates, intrinsic motivation, and physical activity intention in physical education 인문,사회과학편 : 체육수업에서 동기분위기 지각과 내적동기 및 신체활동 의도간의 구조모형 검증
48(2) 123-136, 2009
Examining the structural model between perceived motivational climates, intrinsic motivation, and physical activity intention in physical education 인문,사회과학편 : 체육수업에서 동기분위기 지각과 내적동기 및 신체활동 의도간의 구조모형 검증
This study examined the effects of perceived motivational climates on achievement goal orientations, competence, intrinsic motivation, and physical activity intention in middle school physical education classes, and identified the causal relationships between all measurement variables. 454 students (236 boys, 218 girls) examined of psychometric properties of the Perceived motivational Climates, Task and Ego Orientation in Sport Questionnaire, Physical Self-description Questionnaire, Perceived Locus of Casuality, and Physical Activity Intention Questionnaire. Data analysis were conducted by CFA, EFA, internal consistency, correlation analysis, and SEM through SPSS 12.0 and AMOS 6.0 program. First, the results of evaluation on model's fit index indicated that the structural relationships between all measurement variables are very valid. Second, the findings support that high perceptions of a mastery motivational climate in PE class may foster intrinsic motivation, competence, and intention to physically active, enhancing the level of task-oriented goal. The present study implies that understanding the differences in perception and behaviour may help to guide more effective interventions as well as to understand young people's motivational processes.
Relationship between achievement goal orientation and intrinsic motivation among high school short-distance track athletes 인문,사회과학편 : 고교 육상단거리선수의 성취목표성향과 내적동기와의 관계
48(2) 137-147, 2009
Relationship between achievement goal orientation and intrinsic motivation among high school short-distance track athletes 인문,사회과학편 : 고교 육상단거리선수의 성취목표성향과 내적동기와의 관계
Purpose of this study was to identify the relationship between achievement goal orientation and intrinsic motivation among elite high school short distance track athletes based on their gender, age, and professional experience. Questionnaires completed by 238 short distance track athletes from 14 sports high schools were collected and analyzed using exploratory factor analysis, descriptive frequency analysis, analysis and multiple regression. The result showed that, first, both task and ego goal orientations had positive relationships with intrinsic motivation. With regard to the interest factor of intrinsic motivation, task/ego orientation of male athletes had positive relationships while younger athletes had negative relationship. In the effort factor, older age and less experience were positively related. Further, analyses on the self-efficacy showed that the task orientation was higher among male while the ego orientation was higher among female. And such relationship was positively related with age. Only in the self-efficacy factor, there was a significant interaction. Overall, the results from current study supports the theory of achievement goal orientation while the elite characteristics of the participants showed some deviations from the predictions suggested by the theory.
Key Words
Achievement goal orientation, Intrinsic motivation, Short distance track athletes
Bimanual coordination dynamics in children with developmental coordination disorder: dynamical theory of motor control 인문,사회과학편 : 양수협응 과제를 통한 발달성 협응장애 아동의 협응패턴: 운동제어의 역동성 이론을 중심으로
48(2) 149-159, 2009
Bimanual coordination dynamics in children with developmental coordination disorder: dynamical theory of motor control 인문,사회과학편 : 양수협응 과제를 통한 발달성 협응장애 아동의 협응패턴: 운동제어의 역동성 이론을 중심으로
The study explored the intrinsic characteristics of rhythmic inter-limb coordination in children with and without Developmental Coordination Disorder(DCD). Eight children with DCD(mean age=10 yrs) and 8 matched controls were instructed to rhythmically flex and extend both forearms in the horizontal plan to a 1 Hz metronome beat in one of two coordination modes(inphase/ antiphase), and under conditions of weight loading of the limbs(300g-0g, 150g-0g, 0g-0g, 0g-150g, 0g-300g). A Particular pattern of displacement of relative phase(Φ) from perfect inphase and antiphase was observed when coordinated limbs had different preferred frequency(Δω≠0) depending in physical characteristics of the limbs. We predicted that the manipulating weights of coordinated limbs would be deferentially affected on relative phase, a measure of coordination between the limbs, in the children with DCD and typically developed children. The result showed greater Φ shift and coordination variability when Δω≠0 than when Δω=0. Also, there was greater mean Φ and SDΦ for antiphase than inphase coordination mode. These findings were increased in the children with DCD. Here we observed phase shift in direction and magnitude of Δω. However, we could not find an consistent phase shift dependent on magnitude of Δω for DCD group. This suggested that these children have a problem in organizing temporal and spatial control. Less stable coordination would be due to a deficit in parameterize the coordination dynamics.
Exploration on talents of exceptional performance in sport: developmental perspective 인문,사회과학편 : 탁월한 스포츠 수행의 재능 탐색: 발달적 조망
48(2) 159-170, 2009
Exploration on talents of exceptional performance in sport: developmental perspective 인문,사회과학편 : 탁월한 스포츠 수행의 재능 탐색: 발달적 조망
The area of talent detection in sport is a central concern to coach and researchers in sport science in that the notion of predicting future performance based on present knowledge underlies the competitive process. The purpose of this study was to explore the key factors accountable for talent development of exceptional performance in sport and test the factor structure of talent development. A total of 445 outstanding coaches and athletes in junior, senior high school, and university sport teams were participated each stage of survey. Data were collected in open questionnaire(120), group focus interview(8), and survey(317). Inductive content analysis procedure was used to determine the key factors accountable for talent development of exceptional performance. Major factors accountable for talent development in sport included 10 category of themes. And EFA and CFA were conducted to test the reliability of items and the factor structure. A factor analysis reveal that the concept of talent development in sport consist of 7 factors. they were physical condition, motivation, athletic attitude, mental toughness, social support by parents and coach, and training environment. Also, all the index values of first-order CFA model and second-order CFA model were appeared fit. This result show that if we turn our attention from talent detection to the area of talent development in sport, we find an intuitively seductive area.
Key Words
sport talent, talent development, exceptional performance
Validation of perception of teacher feedback(PTF) scale in physical education 인문,사회과학편 : 체육수업에서의 교사 피드백 개념(PTF) 척도의 타당도 검증: 중학생을 중심으로
48(2) 171-181, 2009
Validation of perception of teacher feedback(PTF) scale in physical education 인문,사회과학편 : 체육수업에서의 교사 피드백 개념(PTF) 척도의 타당도 검증: 중학생을 중심으로
The purpose of this study was to investigate the validation of Perception of Teacher Feedback (PTF) scale which was developed and revised by Koka and Hein (2003, 2005) in physical education. Participants were total 825 students in middle schools. For the analysis of data, item analysis (mean, standard deviation, skewness, kurtosis), correlation analysis, exploratory/confirmatory factor analysis, and Cronbach's α were used with SPSS ver 15.0 and Amos 5.0 programs. The conclusions were as follows: three factors were extracted with 11 items (performance knowledge feedback/positive non-verbal feedback, negative non-verbal feedback, praise feedback. It suggested the need of future studies with various participants who have different character in order to examine the reliability and validation of PTF scale.
What makes good coach?: competence of a desirable coach 인문,사회과학편 : 누가 좋은 코치인가?: 이상적인 코치의 자질
48(2) 183-194, 2009
What makes good coach?: competence of a desirable coach 인문,사회과학편 : 누가 좋은 코치인가?: 이상적인 코치의 자질
The purpose of this study is to explore a desirable competence of the coach. For this purpose, the competence of a coach recognized by middle school athletes and examined the competence of a desirable coach. 40 students athletes in 4 middles schools were selected in participants. Data was collected through in-depth interviews and non-participatory observations. Then, the collected data was subjected to an inductive categorical analysis. According to the results, first, the competence of a coach considered important by the students included good athletic skills and knowledge, self-control ability, and affection towards students. Second, the study suggested that the competence of the coach should have technical competence and spiritual competence. The desirable coach should have athletic ability and knowledge, reflective thinking, comprehension, sympathy, charisma, physical health as technical competence, and refinement, insight, imagination, caring, serving, soul health as spiritual competence.
Sex difference of emotion experience, cause, expression, and regulation in middle school in physical education class 인문,사회과학편 : 중학교 체육수업에서 정서경험, 원인, 표현, 조절의 성차
이병준ByungJunLee , 이중욱JooWookLyi , 김동환DongHwanKim
48(2) 195-208, 2009
Sex difference of emotion experience, cause, expression, and regulation in middle school in physical education class 인문,사회과학편 : 중학교 체육수업에서 정서경험, 원인, 표현, 조절의 성차
이병준ByungJunLee , 이중욱JooWookLyi , 김동환DongHwanKim
The purpose of this study is to explore sex difference of emotion experience, cause, express, and regulation in physical education class in middle school students. 410 middle school students respond to emotional experience, cause, express, and regulation inventory based on definitions of 14 emotions by Lazarus(1991). x² and t-test were used in analysis method. As the results, girls experience more shame than boys, While boys experience pride and impression than girls in physical education class, and boys' happiness depends on contents of physical education class. girls are more emotional expression than boys in 11 emotions excluding the anger, jealous, and impressive emotion. Also, girl students are high of support seek in emotional regulation compared with boys, boys are high active strategy of in emotional regulation compared with girls. Educational meaning of this results is discussed.
Key Words
Sex Difference, Emotion Experience, Emotion Cause, Emotion Expression, Emotion Regulation
The influence of the expertise and reliability of the coach at public athletic facilities on users` satisfaction with the coach and customer Loyalty 인문,사회과학편 : 공공체육시설 지도자의 전문성과 신뢰가 이용자의 지도자만족 및 고객충성도에 미치는 영향
48(2) 209-221, 2009
The influence of the expertise and reliability of the coach at public athletic facilities on users` satisfaction with the coach and customer Loyalty 인문,사회과학편 : 공공체육시설 지도자의 전문성과 신뢰가 이용자의 지도자만족 및 고객충성도에 미치는 영향
This study aims to provide the best service of public athletic facilities and enable an effective management of public athletic facilities by identifying the relationships between the users of public athletic facilities and the coach with whom they contact directly and indirectly through the examination of the influence of the expertise and reliability of the coaches at public athletic facilities on the users' satisfaction with the coach and customer loyalty. The following are the results of the research.
Firstly, the relation between the expertise of the coach at public athletic facilities and users' satisfaction with a coach had a statistically positive(+) influence on the satisfaction with the coach.
Secondly, the relation between reliability of the coach at public athletic facilities and users' satisfaction with a coach had a statistically positive(+) influence on the satisfaction with the coach.
Thirdly, the relation between users' satisfaction with the coach at public athletic facilities and customer loyalty had a statistically positive(+) influence on customer loyalty.
Effect of choice attribute of pension for sports tourism on customer satisfaction & Loyalty 인문,사회과학편 : 스포츠관광을 위한 펜션의 선택속성이 고객만족과 충성도에 미치는 영향
조태영TaeYoungCho , 조태수TaeSooCho
48(2) 223-232, 2009
Effect of choice attribute of pension for sports tourism on customer satisfaction & Loyalty 인문,사회과학편 : 스포츠관광을 위한 펜션의 선택속성이 고객만족과 충성도에 미치는 영향
조태영TaeYoungCho , 조태수TaeSooCho
The purpose of this research is aimed at looking into the causal relationship between the choice attribute of a pension for sports tourism and customer satisfaction & loyalty.
This research made a survey on a sports tourism-related members' club numbering 306 and sampled through convenience sampling process.
This research made frequency analysis, probing factor analysis, reliability analysis, and correlation analysis of the collected data from the respondents by using SPSSWIN Ver.14.0 and also made a confirmative factor analysis and structural equation-type analysis of the proper data using AMOS 7.0. The research results are as follows:
First, among the choice attributes of a sports tourism pension, a service sector had a positive effect on customer satisfaction.
Second, accessibility also had a positive effect on customer satisfaction.
Third, the customer satisfaction with a sports tourism pension had a positive effect on customer loyalty.
The effect of service quality of sport event on service quality of sport brand, brand satisfaction, quality of relationship, and attitude toward brand 인문,사회과학편 : 스포츠이벤트 서비스품질이 스포츠브랜드 서비스품질, 브랜드만족, 관계의 질 및 브랜드태도에 미치는 영향
김용만YongManKim , 김운숙WoonSookKim , 이계석KyeSokLee
48(2) 233-244, 2009
The effect of service quality of sport event on service quality of sport brand, brand satisfaction, quality of relationship, and attitude toward brand 인문,사회과학편 : 스포츠이벤트 서비스품질이 스포츠브랜드 서비스품질, 브랜드만족, 관계의 질 및 브랜드태도에 미치는 영향
김용만YongManKim , 김운숙WoonSookKim , 이계석KyeSokLee
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of sport event service quality, sport brand service quality, brand satisfaction, quality of relationship(brand trust & brand commitment) on attitude toward brand. This study selected the 300 participants in a 'running event'. Samples were extracted using convenient sampling, and selected a total of 265 questionnaires as final valid samples, excepting 35 questionnaires which were judged to show unfaithful responses. These data were processed using SPSS 14.0 and AMOS 7.0. After test of goodness of model fit and verifying individual hypothesis, this research obtained the results as follows: First, the sport event service quality had a positive effect on the sport brand service quality. Second, the sport event service quality had a positive effect on brand satisfaction. Third, the sports brand service quality had a positive effect on brand satisfaction. Fourth, brand satisfaction had a positive effect on its related quality(brand trust & brand commitment). Fifth, brand satisfaction had a positive effect on a attitude toward brand. Sixth, the quality of relationship had a positive effect on a attitude toward brand.
Key Words
sport event service quality, sport brand service quality, brand satisfaction, quality of relationship, attitude toward brand
The effect of consumer response about sports storytelling advertisement on brand equity and purchase intention 인문,사회과학편 : 스포츠 스토리텔링 광고에 대한 소비자반응이 브랜드자산 및 구매의도에 미치는 영향
The effect of consumer response about sports storytelling advertisement on brand equity and purchase intention 인문,사회과학편 : 스포츠 스토리텔링 광고에 대한 소비자반응이 브랜드자산 및 구매의도에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of consumer response about sports storytelling advertisement, on brand equity and purchase intention. To achieve this purpose subject was selected by university students in Seoul and Gyeonggi-Do. Total 400 surveys were distributed and 384 samples were finally used after eliminating 16 incomplete samples. The data was analyzed by frequency analysis, reliability analysis, exploratory factor analysis, correlation analysis, confirmatory factor analysis and structure equation model analysis in accordance with the purpose of the study by using SPSS Version 12.0, Amos 7.0. Following results were obtained through above analysis: First, it was shown that consumer responses sports storytelling advertisement had significant influence on brand equity. Second, it was shown that consumer responses sports storytelling advertisement had significant influence on purchase intention. Third, it was shown that brand equity had significant influence on purchase intention.
Influences of sports brands` TV advertising effects on brand preference and product purchasing intention 인문,사회과학편 : 스포츠브랜드의 TV광고 효과가 브랜드선호도 및 상품 구매의도에 미치는 영향
Influences of sports brands` TV advertising effects on brand preference and product purchasing intention 인문,사회과학편 : 스포츠브랜드의 TV광고 효과가 브랜드선호도 및 상품 구매의도에 미치는 영향
This study has analyzed with 563 college students majored in sports-related department in D-city in order to understand influences of sports brands’ TV advertising effects on sports brand preference and purchasing intention of sports supplies of sports major college students in 20s, the main target group of sports supplies companies, and achieved the following results.
First, the more interests on sports brand’s products in TV advertising and useful information in the advertisement, preference on sports brand will increase. Second, the more interests on sports brand’s product, desire to purchase product though TV advertising, and information is provided through TV advertising, sports major students’ intention to purchase increased. Third, TV advertising is more effective in sports star conformed high group than low group. Fourth, male students had high sports brand preference compared to female students. Fifth, when analyzed advertising effect according to sports major students’ TV viewing time, students with more than 3 hours of viewing time had the highest advertising effect and intention to purchase sports supplies.
The difference customer equity form according to the features of sports products and involvement 인문,사회과학편 : 스포츠 제품유형 및 관여도에 따른 고객자산 형성의 차이
유광길KwangKilYu , 정경회KyungHoiJung
48(2) 265-275, 2009
The difference customer equity form according to the features of sports products and involvement 인문,사회과학편 : 스포츠 제품유형 및 관여도에 따른 고객자산 형성의 차이
유광길KwangKilYu , 정경회KyungHoiJung
The purpose of this study is to verify the differences customer equity form according to the features of sports products and involvement provide sports businesses with basic materials for improving earnings in the long term. The products we selected are 5 sports products researched by K-BPI and sports magazines. Subjects live in JEONJU and they are customers who has experience the use of the products selected and we use the convenient sampling for the sampling. We gave 720 questionnaires to subjects and computed 699 questionnaires sorted out from 720 raw data except 21 for lack of reliability. SPSSWIN Ver. 12.0 was used for frequency analysis, t-test, correlation analysis, reliability analysis, and exploratory factor analysis and LISREL 8.50 was used for confirmatory factor analysis and Structural Equation Modeling. The results of these procedures is th following. First of all, value equity, brand equity, and relationship equity have positive effects on customer equity. Second, the effect that value equity, brand equity, and relationship equity have on customer equity vary with participation of sports products. Finally, the effect that value equity, brand equity, and relationship equity have on customer equity vary with the pattern of sports products.
Key Words
value equity, brand equity, relationship equity, customer equity
The relationship between job stress, job satisfaction, and organizational citizenship behavior of employees in waterpark resorts 인문,사회과학편 : 워터파크 종사자들의 직무 스트레스, 직무만족, 조직시민행동의 관계
The relationship between job stress, job satisfaction, and organizational citizenship behavior of employees in waterpark resorts 인문,사회과학편 : 워터파크 종사자들의 직무 스트레스, 직무만족, 조직시민행동의 관계
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships between job stress, job satisfaction, and organizational citizenship behavior with employees in waterpark resorts in Korea. A total of 300 employees from five waterpark resorts were selected using a convenient sampling method. 238 usable questionnaires were returned to the researchers. Data analyses were conducted with SPSS 15.0 V. and AMOS 7.0. The results of this study indicated that (1) job stress had a negative impact on job satisfaction, (2) job satisfaction had a positive influence on organizational citizenship behavior, and (3) job stress negatively affected organizational citizenship behavior. Practical implications of findings were discussed.
The relationship among the title sponsorship motives, sponsor trust, sponsor image, and purchase intention of professional baseball spectators 인문,사회과학편 : 프로야구 타이틀스폰서십 동기와 스폰서신뢰, 스폰서이미지 및 구매의도와의 관계
김용만YongManKim , 정정희JungHeeJung , 김세윤SeYunKim
48(2) 287-296, 2009
The relationship among the title sponsorship motives, sponsor trust, sponsor image, and purchase intention of professional baseball spectators 인문,사회과학편 : 프로야구 타이틀스폰서십 동기와 스폰서신뢰, 스폰서이미지 및 구매의도와의 관계
김용만YongManKim , 정정희JungHeeJung , 김세윤SeYunKim
The purpose of this study was to clarify the correlation among spectators' perceived sponsorship motives, sponsor trust, sponsor image and purchase intention toward the corporate which have professional baseball title sponsorship activities. The subjects of this study were 100 adult home-spectators each of SK, Doosan, and Lotte, amounting to 300 in total which rank in the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places respectively in the ‘2008 Samsung PAVV Professional Baseball Championship’ as of July 5. Regarding samples, the convenience sampling and self-administered surveys were adopted. The data was analyzed by exploratory factor analysis (EFA) using SPSSWIN Ver. 14.0 and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and structural equation model (SEM) by AMOS 7.0. As a result of the empirical analysis, it shows that of the perceived sponsorship motivations, an altruistic motivation has a positive impact on the sponsor trust while an self-interested motivation does not. Also, the sponsor trust turns out to have a positive influence on the corporate image but the sponsor trust does not have any positive influence on the purchase intention. In addition, the sponsor image reveals to have a positive impact on the purchase intention.
Factors affecting skiing destination choices 인문,사회과학편 : 스키장 선택의 속성, 결과 및 가치
48(2) 297-307, 2009
Factors affecting skiing destination choices 인문,사회과학편 : 스키장 선택의 속성, 결과 및 가치
A number of factors range from the attributes of products to the consequences and values have been investigated to explain skiing destination choice behavior based on Means-end theory. This study provides a brief description of means-end theory and its applied research methodology. One hundred sixty three research participants who were visiting one of 3 skiing resorts were investigated using one-on-one in-depth interviews to uncover the cognitive linkages among attributes, consequences, and personal values for skiing destination choices. The research results of this study indicate that participants were evaluating hill & trail, friendly people, resort facility, snow condition, environment, less crowded, familiarity, accessibility, curiosity as tangible attributes, developing one's abilities, save time, convenience, securing rest space, making full use of skills, increasing practice time as intangible consequences, fun & excitement, safety, achievement, ecstatic, relationship with others as more intangible personal values.
Key Words
Skiing, Snowboarding, Mean-end theory, Laddering, attribute, consequence, personal value
A study on activation methods of aged persons` Living sports viewed on Living spots Leaders -Q methodological study- 인문,사회과학편 : 생활체육지도자의 견해(見解)를 통한 노인생활체육 활성화 방안 -Q방법론적 연구-
A study on activation methods of aged persons` Living sports viewed on Living spots Leaders -Q methodological study- 인문,사회과학편 : 생활체육지도자의 견해(見解)를 통한 노인생활체육 활성화 방안 -Q방법론적 연구-
This thesis aimed at finding Q-methodical methods to activate aged persons' living sports. which were subjectively viewed by living sports leaders, and selected 25 descriptive questions on the problems and improvements to activate aged persons' living sports by calling 6 general leaders and 6 leaders taking charge of elders who belonged to Gwangju and Jeonam Living Sports Association in October, 2008. As a P-sample, this thesis selected total 29 persons, 20 general leaders and 9 leaders taking charge of elders and applied 14.0 program to analyse factors and to co-analyse types, after P-sample performed Q-division. This thesis produced gravity, factor arrangement value, and Z-score. The results are as followings. The leaders' common opinions on activating aged persons. living sports, respectively, were for the persons concerned to change their position into regular one and to give more wages. In addition, they stated that organizations had to offer the elders participating in living sports proper circumstances and administrative assistances so that they could come true welfare and secure the sports where the aged persons could participate in living sports.
Key Words
Living Sports Leaders, Activation Methods of Aged Persons` Living Sports, Q Methodological
The relationship between Life satisfaction and quality of Life by subjective health recognition of rural elderly people participated in exercise program of community health center 인문,사회과학편 : 보건소 운동 프로그램 참여 노인의 주관적 건강인지에 따른 삶의 질과 생활 만족도와의 관계
48(2) 321-330, 2009
The relationship between Life satisfaction and quality of Life by subjective health recognition of rural elderly people participated in exercise program of community health center 인문,사회과학편 : 보건소 운동 프로그램 참여 노인의 주관적 건강인지에 따른 삶의 질과 생활 만족도와의 관계
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between life satisfaction and quality of life by subjective health recognition of rural elderly people participated in exercise program of community health center. The subjects were 180 elderly people who participated in exercise program of community health center. Questionaires included the contents of subjective health recognition, life satisfaction and quality of life. The results were as follows;
1. The higher self health recognition showed the higher physical, mental, and social elements of life quality. When it did not have any health problem of casual activity, it showed the higher in psychological and social life quality. And when elderly people felt higher health status , it showed the higher in physical, mental, psychological and social life quality.
2. The higher self health recognition showed the higher life satisfaction in past time. When it did not have any health problem of casual activity, it showed the higher life satisfaction in past and present time. And when elderly people felt higher health status, it showed the higher life satisfaction in present and future time.
3. The psychological, economical, physical and environmental factor in life quality effected the life satisfaction in past time. The physical, mental, psychological, social, economical, and environmental factor in life quality effected the life satisfaction in present time. The future life satisfaction is affected by the social, economical, physical and environmental factor.
Key Words
subjective health recognition Life quality Life satisfaction
The effect of the use of fashion magazine, social comparison, body perception to fear on weight, depression 인문,사회과학편 : 패션잡지이용과 사회적 비교, 신체지각이 살찌는 것에 대한 두려움과 우울에 미치는 영향
48(2) 331-340, 2009
The effect of the use of fashion magazine, social comparison, body perception to fear on weight, depression 인문,사회과학편 : 패션잡지이용과 사회적 비교, 신체지각이 살찌는 것에 대한 두려움과 우울에 미치는 영향
This study was to investigate the effect of the use of fashion magazine, social comparison, body perception to fear on weight, depression. A total of 191 college students responded to the korean version based fear of negative evaluation scale and depression scale. Data were analyzed through reliability test, and MANOVA. The results of this study were as follows. First, body dissatisfaction had positive influence on the fear on weight and depression. Second, the heavy users of fashion magazine were higher in depression than light users in the group of body satisfaction. And the use of fashion magazine had relation to body dissatisfaction, depression. Third, the heavy users of fashion magazine were lower in depression than light users in the group of body dissatisfaction because of ceiling effects of media messages.
Key Words
body satisfaction, body dissatisfaction, social comparison, depression, body perception
The study on the star-sportsman imitation behavior 인문,사회과학편 : 인기 운동선수 모방 행동에 관한 연구
48(2) 341-349, 2009
The study on the star-sportsman imitation behavior 인문,사회과학편 : 인기 운동선수 모방 행동에 관한 연구
The purpose of this study was to extend the theory of reasoned action in an attempt to examine the star-sportsman imitation behavior in relation to college students' gender and age, use of media(TV), social psychological variables. Data were analyzed by hierarchical regression analysis, reliability test. the research results were as follows. first, gender and age didn't have an effect on intention of star-sportsman imitation. But use of media had an effect on intention of star-sportsman imitation. second, intention of star-sportsman imitation had an effect on attitude of star-sportsman imitation and subject norm. third, star-sportsman imitation behavior didn't have an effect on gender, age, and use of media. Also, intention of star-sportsman imitation, identification had an effect on star-sportsman imitation behavior. but self-evaluation didn't had an effect on star-sportsman imitation behavior.
Key Words
star-sportsman imitation behavior, intention, attitude, self-evaluation, gender and age
Analysison academic study trend in Korea in Choi Sung-hee 인문,사회과학편 : 최승희에 관한 국내 학술동향 분석
안병주ByongJuAn , 이보영BoYoungLee
48(2) 353-363, 2009
Analysison academic study trend in Korea in Choi Sung-hee 인문,사회과학편 : 최승희에 관한 국내 학술동향 분석
안병주ByongJuAn , 이보영BoYoungLee
This study identified the current state of the trend in analysis on academic study on Choi Sung-hee in Korea for the purpose of contributing to the growth and the qualitative enrichment of research on her, drawing the disproportionate or universal properties of recorded data, and through the identification this study looked at the direction of study points that it should focus on in the future. To do so, the collection and analysis of study materials were carried out with Choi Sung-hee being a primary theme word by using the information system on the web pages of the library of K University and the Korea Education & Research Information Service and focusing on theses or dissertations, peer-reviewed journals, and books. First, the types of 61 collected materials were theses or dissertations (17, 27.9%), peer-reviewed journals (32, 52.5%), and books (12, 19.7%). In the chronical order, 5 materials were publicized in the infancy period of the research on her (1937~1992), 23 in the take-off period(1993~2001), and 33 in the activating period (2002~present), showing that the number of studies that are released has been increasing. Second, the results of categorizing by contents reveal that 63 materials are associated with the universal characteristics of art-related discussion such as disposition of the art and life history (73.3%), 14 materials are about achievements of art (16.3%), and 9 are regarding to analysis of art (10.5%). Third, dividing the trend of academic publications by year into the publications before the separation of South Korea and North Korea and those after the separation shows that 55 materials are released before the separation (57.3%) and the remaining materials are published after the separation (42.7%). The contents did not show much difference between the two categories and are disproportionately related to the universal characteristics of art-related discussion.
Key Words
Choi sung-hee, analysis on academic study trend in Korea, disposition of the art, achievements of art, Life history
A study on influence of commentary during the relay broadcasting of pro-baseball upon its viewers` opinion about an umpire`s judgement 인문,사회과학편 : TV 프로야구 중계방송 해설이 시청자 판단에 미치는 영향
48(2) 365-377, 2009
A study on influence of commentary during the relay broadcasting of pro-baseball upon its viewers` opinion about an umpire`s judgement 인문,사회과학편 : TV 프로야구 중계방송 해설이 시청자 판단에 미치는 영향
This study was carried out by dividing the commentating group into critical, neutral, positive groups to find out the relationship ‘commentating’ on professional baseball umpire decisions have on viewers’ decision. It was found that firstly, commenting on the umpire’s decision in a professional baseball league does affect viewers’ decision. When the commentators criticized the umpire’s decision, the viewer too criticized the umpire even though the decision was fair. Secondly, it was found that the intervention into the professional baseball game and the viewer’s decision had correlations and in particular, the relationship could be shown in the group listening to criticizing comments. Thirdly, a correlation was found between the perceptive evaluation of the professional baseball broadcasting and the viewer decision formed by commentaries. Fourthly, there was a relationship between the professionalism of a professional baseball commentator and viewer decision. Fifthly, there was no relationship between the favor of a team and the viewer decision formed by commentaries. This study proposes a duty to media sports producers to produce programs objectively and keep in mind the influence of media and the current situation where viewers are exposed to media sports.
Key Words
commentary, relay broadcasting TV viewers` judgement
College dance students` perceived motivational climates, intrinsic motivation, & performance satisfaction in a 2×2 achievement goal profiles: a cluster analysis 인문,사회과학편 : 2×2 성취목표 프로파일에 따른 무용 동기분위기 지각과 내적동기 및 수행만족: 군집분석
박중길JungGilPark , 남진희JinHeeNam
48(2) 379-391, 2009
College dance students` perceived motivational climates, intrinsic motivation, & performance satisfaction in a 2×2 achievement goal profiles: a cluster analysis 인문,사회과학편 : 2×2 성취목표 프로파일에 따른 무용 동기분위기 지각과 내적동기 및 수행만족: 군집분석
박중길JungGilPark , 남진희JinHeeNam
The aim of the present study was to examine the relationships between achievement goals, perceived motivational climates, intrinsic motivation, and performance satisfaction using the 2×2 achievement goals framework. 472 collegiate dance students (35 males, 437 females) completed four questionnaires assessing achievement goals, perceived motivational climates, intrinsic motivation, and performance satisfaction. Cluster analysis was conducted to map cluster profiles and to test whether clusters differed in perceived motivational climates, intrinsic motivation, and performance satisfaction. Results revealed four meaningful clusters that differed significantly in their achievement goals profiles. One cluster consisting of high scores on mastery approach-avoidance and performance approach-avoidance goals was linked to the most positive set of outcomes, while the cluster with low achievement goals was linked to most negative outcomes. There was another cluster with moderate levels of mastery approach that had relatively positive motivational climate, intrinsic motivation, and performance satisfaction. Consequently, the findings of these four goal profiles provide insight and add knowledge to the existing literature.
The effects of treadmill exercise method on motor and sensory recovery after spinal cord hemisection in rats 자연과학편 : 트레드밀 훈련방법이 척수손상 쥐의 운동기능 및 감각기능에 미치는 영향
박혜상HyeSangPark , 김준선JuneSunKim
48(2) 393-400, 2009
The effects of treadmill exercise method on motor and sensory recovery after spinal cord hemisection in rats 자연과학편 : 트레드밀 훈련방법이 척수손상 쥐의 운동기능 및 감각기능에 미치는 영향
박혜상HyeSangPark , 김준선JuneSunKim
Spinal cord injury (SCI) is often associated with variable loss of motor and chronic central pain syndromes. The present study examined the training effects of treadmill on motor and sensory recoveries in spinal hemisected rats. Under enflurane anesthesia, rats were subjected to spinal hemisection at T13. and then divided to three groups depending on exercise loads ; control, x 1 excercise and x 2 excercise in a day. Exercise began 1 day post surgery, lasted 25 min per day, 7 days a week for 3 weeks. Motor function as evaluating by BBB and CBS score showed predominant increase in exercise groups from early phase, load dependently, when it compared controls. There were significant differences among the three group. But treadmill exercise did not ameliorated mechanical and cold allodynia as measuring withdrawal frequency to von Frey hair and acetone application. These results suggested that treadmill exercise is effective increase the speed of motor function recovery and normalization of increased reflexes following SCI, but not sensory recovery.
Adiponectin is an adipose tissue specific protein that is decreased in subjects with obesity, metabolic risk factors, and chronic diseases including type 2 diabetes. The purpose of the study was to investigate whether or not the SNP T45G gene single nucleotide polymorphisms were associated with cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) and metabolic syndrome markers in their twenties. The SNP T45G were genotype in young 700 korean adults (497 men and 203 women) by using the Real-Time Quantitative PCR with TaqMan detection chemistry, CRF was measured as the maximum volume of minute oxygen consumption during a graded treadmill testing. Body composition (i.e., body mass index, percent body fat, waist circumference) and blood chemistry (lipids, glucose, insulin, adiponectin) were measured using our standardized protocols. With respect to SNP T45G variants, group analyses showed that those with G allele had significantly higher BMI(P=.027) than those with T allele. Further, those with low CRF had significantly higher waist circumference(P<.001), BMI(P<.001), %BF(P<.001), SBP(P=.010), DBP(P=.006), fasting glucose(P=.001), TG(P<.001), HDL-C(P=.022) and LDL-C(P=.004) than those with high CRF in G allele. The current findings of the study suggest that 1) the adiponectin gene SNP T45G polymorphism may be used as a genetic susceptibility to obesity and metabolic syndrome, risk allele is G allele. 2) Row CRF may play as an important modulator in determining the significance of the genetic predisposition to obesity and metabolic syndrome in young Korean adults.
Key Words
SNP T45G, Adiponectin, Metabolic syndrome, Cardiorespiratory
Effects of the combined exercise program including step aerobics on bone mineral density and sex hormone in the elderly women 자연과학편 : 스텝에어로빅을 포함한 복합운동프로그램이 여성노인의 골밀도와 성호르몬에 미치는 영향
Effects of the combined exercise program including step aerobics on bone mineral density and sex hormone in the elderly women 자연과학편 : 스텝에어로빅을 포함한 복합운동프로그램이 여성노인의 골밀도와 성호르몬에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of combined exercise program including step aerobics has on bone mineral density (BMD) and sex hormones of the elderly women (age≥65, n=20). In order to examine the effectiveness of the program by measuring BMD and sex hormones, we divided participants into two groups; the combined exercise program (n=10) and the control group (n=10). All the variables were analyzed by paired t-test and independent t-test by using SPSS 12.0 statistical package. And, the significant level was set to α=.05. The results are as follows. First, the BMD in lumbar(L1-L4), ward‘s triangle, and trochanter was enhanced a little highly in the experimental group compared to the control group. And, BMD in femoral neck was indicated the significant difference in the experimental group(p<.001), but it wasn't indicated to be significantly in the control group. Second, estradiol in a sex hormone showed tendency of reducing slightly in the experimental group, but was indicated to be decreased significantly in the control group(p<.05). Testosterone showed a significant rise in the experimental group(p<.001), and indicated the significant difference in the control group(p<.05) as well, and showed the significant difference even in the comparison between groups(p<.01). In conclusion, the regular combined exercise program including step aerobics for 12 weeks is effective for maintaining BMD and inhibiting bone loss in elderly women, and has positive influence upon increasing and maintaining the sex hormone, thereby being thought to be able to lower risk in osteoporosis.
Key Words
Combined Exercise Program, BMD, Estradiol, Testosterone, Elderly Women
Effects of different order of combined training on body composition, plasma Lipids, and stress hormone 자연과학편 : 복합트레이닝 시 유산소성 운동과 저항성 운동의 순서 차이가 신체구성, 혈중 지질 및 스트레스 호르몬에 미치는 영향
김시영SiYoungKim , 김효중HyoJungKim , 이용수YoungSooLee
48(2) 421-432, 2009
Effects of different order of combined training on body composition, plasma Lipids, and stress hormone 자연과학편 : 복합트레이닝 시 유산소성 운동과 저항성 운동의 순서 차이가 신체구성, 혈중 지질 및 스트레스 호르몬에 미치는 영향
김시영SiYoungKim , 김효중HyoJungKim , 이용수YoungSooLee
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of different order of combined training on body composition (body weight, % body fat, and BMI), plasma lipids (TC, TG, HDL-C, and LDL-C), and stress hormone (ACTH and cortisol). Sixteen volunteers who participated in the combined training program of running and weight training for three times per week for twelve weeks were randomly allocated to running-weight training group (RWG, n=8) and weight training-running group (WRG, n=8). All data were expressed as mean and standard deviation by using Windows 15.0 SPSS program. The 0.05 level was initially established in significance. The % body fat was significantly decreased in the RWG more than in the WRG (F=17.150, p=.000). Also, TG level was significantly reduced only in the RWG (F=4.638, p=.03). There were not statistically significant changes on body weight, BMI, TC, HDL-C, LDL-C, ACTH, and cortisol in both groups. However, we observed some positive profile, including increase of HDL-C and decreased of TC, LDL-C, and stress hormone. In conclusion, the RWG would have positive effects on body composition and plasma lipids in human.
Key Words
Different Order of Combined Training Body Composition Plasma Lipids, and Stress Hormone
A study about applied training to improve the giant swing technique on the parallel bars 자연과학편 : 평행봉 샤링 기술 향상을 위한 훈련 적용연구
48(2) 433-443, 2009
A study about applied training to improve the giant swing technique on the parallel bars 자연과학편 : 평행봉 샤링 기술 향상을 위한 훈련 적용연구
In this study there was a training program developed so as to improve the performance of the basic movement of the Giant Swing technique training. After completion of the training program then the kinematic comparison of the before and after effects were investigated so as to be able to provide scientific data about this technique. It is recommended that during P1 the bodies center of mass at the back pushed the hip joint to quickly flex, and the shoulder joint's angle should be maintained at a maximum angle. During the P2 the bodies center of mass must be accelerated so as to be able to create enough momentum to rise efficiently and for this, the quick extension of both the hip and shoulder is required. For safety during P3, it is advised that the speed upwards must be increased and the two hands, shoulder and hip joint must be extended like the posture of a handstand. These results stress to coaches the importance of the bodies speed during the ascent in the motion.
Key Words
Giant Swing, Center Mass, Up-Swing, Dpwnn-Swing
A study of kinematic variables using the principal component analysis method in normal gait parameters 자연과학편 : Principal Component Analysis를 이용한 운동학적 매개변수의 보행인자에 관한 추출연구
48(2) 445-453, 2009
A study of kinematic variables using the principal component analysis method in normal gait parameters 자연과학편 : Principal Component Analysis를 이용한 운동학적 매개변수의 보행인자에 관한 추출연구
The purpose of this study is to analyze the visualization of various parameters on the kinematic variables. It is the useful tools that PCA(principle component analysis) algorithm is acquired fast, robust and highly the rate of recognition at enormous amount of raw data, relatively. Using VICON 512 Motion Analysis System, the collected raw data was analyzed the kinematic angle data of lower limbs was processed with VCM software. And then utilizing Matlab.(ver 7.0.4) program, raw variable data was assessed by PCA algorithm. Additionally, the statistical procedure was the factor analysis performed by SPSS(ver 12.0). For this study, PCA methods which were assessed parameters of hip, knee and ankle joint.
In conclusion, it showed that linear regression equations were hip joint(y=-0.64x-0.0023), knee joint(y=0.78x-0.083) and ankle joint(y=0.28x-0.041). PCA of hip joint parameters were negatively correlated with PCA processing datas, the parameters of knee joint was highly positive correlated, and ankle joint's positively correlated. Additionally, these results were interpreted to be valuable visualization methods which were stability and mobility components in comparison with the kinematic variables in normal walking.
The development and evaluation of the Yamawaki technique training program on horizontal bar 자연과학편 : 체조 철봉 Yamawaki 기술동작의 훈련프로그램 개발 및 향상도 평가
백진호JinHoBack , 박종철JongChulPark , 박종훈JongHoonPark
48(2) 455-465, 2009
The development and evaluation of the Yamawaki technique training program on horizontal bar 자연과학편 : 체조 철봉 Yamawaki 기술동작의 훈련프로그램 개발 및 향상도 평가
백진호JinHoBack , 박종철JongChulPark , 박종훈JongHoonPark
This study intends to support the athletic ability improvement of K who has been selected as a national athlete in the horizontal bar. For this, it analyzes how he performs Yamawaki, one of the elements of the horizontal bar, and the results gained are as shown below. The Yamawaki element K performs in the first contest includes a horizontal centering upward swing and a horizontal centering flight, and the flight height was shown low. His fault was to grip the bar unstably due to the instable trunk rotation before performing a complete twist since his body was too low. In order to overcome this problem, he repeated the basic training practice suggested in the study method for 20 minutes within total seven practice hours five times a week for 8 weeks. Moreover, when performing the Yamawaki element in person, he was asked to practice in the following way. Exercise mainly the flection and extension of hip joints and delay the tap timing a little. At this time, draw the body near to the bar and kick the legs low in horizontal centering to perform a tap through up-and-down movement. Next, draw the body near to the bar and life it up as narrowing the shoulder angle. As a result, while he was separated from the bar, the vertical speed noticeably increased. Thus, his flight height also increased, so during the aerial rotation, he came to be able to grip the bar more stably in a higher position through more comfortable counter rotation and twist. Accordingly, he was able to secure the stability and magnificence of elements necessary to get a high score.
Key Words
Yamawaki, horizontal bar
The effects of muscle, balance and walking training on gait muscle activity in children with Down syndrome 자연과학편 : 근력, 평형성, 보행 동작 훈련이 다운증후군 아동의 보행 시 하지의 근육활동에 미치는 효과
임비오BeeOhLim , 김규완KewWanKim
48(2) 467-474, 2009
The effects of muscle, balance and walking training on gait muscle activity in children with Down syndrome 자연과학편 : 근력, 평형성, 보행 동작 훈련이 다운증후군 아동의 보행 시 하지의 근육활동에 미치는 효과
임비오BeeOhLim , 김규완KewWanKim
The purpose of this study were to investigate the effects of muscle, balance and walking training on gait muscle activity in children with Down syndrome. Nine children (9~12 years old) with Down syndrome participated in this study. The participant with Down syndrome participated in muscle, balance and walking training for 12 weeks, three times a week. The balance, isokinetic strength and muscle activity variables were measured before and after 12 weeks of training. The balance were measured by get-up and go test. The muscle strength were measured by isokinetic strength device(Cybex 770). The muscle activities of adductor longus, gluteus medius, gluteus maximus, biceps femoris, rectus femoris, gastrocnemius, and tibialis anterior were recorded using noraxon 8 channels EMG system. The results indicated that the ankle dorsi-flextior, knee extensor and flexor increased while the hip abductor decreased after the muscle, balance and walking training. In conclusion, ankle dorsi-flextior, knee extensor, knee flexor and hip abductor muscle activity of the children with Down syndrome improved after the muscle, balance and walking training.
Key Words
gait, training, muscle activity, Down syndrome
Comparisons of team performance analysis between EURO 2008 semi-finalists and South Korean teams in soccer 자연과학편 : EURO 2008 4강 진출 팀과 대한민국 국가대표 축구팀의 경기력 분석에 관한 연구
48(2) 475-482, 2009
Comparisons of team performance analysis between EURO 2008 semi-finalists and South Korean teams in soccer 자연과학편 : EURO 2008 4강 진출 팀과 대한민국 국가대표 축구팀의 경기력 분석에 관한 연구
The study was to investigate the team performances between Euro 2008 semi-finalists and South korean teams. The subject of this study was 16 games in Euro 2008 and 6 games which has done by the South Korean national football teams. Frequencies of event in the ball possession, ball possessed time and time-spent on an event have been used with video footage in the hand-notational analysis. For the statistical comparisons, the descriptive statistics and Kruskal-Wallis H tests were used to determine the data. The Mann-Whitney U test was used for th post-hoc comparisons in addition. Consequently, the events per game have been identified that Turkey's was the most (183.3) and the Spain's one (131.5) was the smallest. The frequencies of event within a ball possession was shown as Germany 3.70±3.77, Russia 3.68±3.52, Spain 4.63±4.58, Turkey 3.12±3.11 and South Korea 3.91±3.47 in order. The results of Kruskal-Wallis H test shown that there were significant differences between the nations and the post-hoc comparisons as well as the Kruskal-Wallis H test shown. Therefore, the need of separated subjects rather than the groups by competitions or championships on further researches was emphasized in the study.
Key Words
Performance Analysis, Football analysis, comparative profiling, soccer analysis
Examining the effect of Latent moderator variable: applying Ping`s model to sport and exercise research 자연과학편 : 체육 분야 연구에서 Ping 모형을 이용한 중재효과 검증
이기봉GeeBongLee , 김기탁KiTakKim
48(2) 483-492, 2009
Examining the effect of Latent moderator variable: applying Ping`s model to sport and exercise research 자연과학편 : 체육 분야 연구에서 Ping 모형을 이용한 중재효과 검증
이기봉GeeBongLee , 김기탁KiTakKim
The purpose of this paper is to review and introduce the analysis methods of examining latent moderator variable effect. When an independent and a moderator variable are latent variables measured by more than one observed variables, one can apply structural equation modeling(SEM) technique to examine the effects of these variables on a dependent variable. Many different models and methods have been introduced in the past. The model suggested by Ping(1995) is the most preferable because it requires only one interaction variable in the model even when there are many observed variables. In addition, Ping's model takes account measurement error in the model and it is relatively easy to interpret the analysis results. In this paper, the concepts and analysis procedure of Ping's model is introduced along with examples using typical sport marketing data.
Key Words
Structural Equation Modeling, SEM, moderating effect, Ping`s model
Detection of home and away-related differential item functioning in the record of pro-basketball 자연과학편 : 프로농구 홈어웨이 경기에 따른 차별기능요인 추출: DIF 적용
김세형SaeHyungKim , 강상조SangJoKang
48(2) 493-499, 2009
Detection of home and away-related differential item functioning in the record of pro-basketball 자연과학편 : 프로농구 홈어웨이 경기에 따른 차별기능요인 추출: DIF 적용
김세형SaeHyungKim , 강상조SangJoKang
The purpose of this study is to detect Home and Away-related differential item functioning in the records of Pro-basketball. Differential Item Functioning (DIF) is said to occur when the probability of a correct response differs for examinees in different groups conditional on ability. An item is determined to function differentially when examinees of the same ability but in different groups have different probabilities of success on the item. DIF is composed of uniform-DIF and non-uniform-DIF by direction of difference. One of the statistic of methods used for detecting DIF is logistic regression. The logistic regression for detecting DIF is verified by Swaminathan and Roger who studied DIF in 1990. This study applied the logistic regression for detecting Home & Away-related DIF by analyzing the record of Korean Pro-basketball. The Korean Pro-basketball records consisted of seven offence factors and seven defense factors. The seven offence factors are 2Point shot percentage(2P%), 3Point shot percentage(3P%), Free throw shot percentage(FT%), frequency of Dunk shot(DK), Offense rebound(OR), Assist(A), and Turn over(TO). The seven defense factors are Defense rebound(DR), Steal(ST), Good defense(GD), Block shot(BS), With free throw (WFT), Without free throw(WOFT), and Technical foul(TF). This study used 4,230 games' records that were recorded from 2000 season to 2008 season. The data were analyzed by using SPSS syntax window program. As a result, four factors (A, 3P%, DK, OR) were selected in the seven offence factors as DIF, and three factors (BS, WFT, WOFT) were selected in the seven defense factors as DIF. Assist(A) was only non-uniform-DIF in this study and the others (3P%, DK, OR, BS, WFT, WOFT) were uniform-DIF. Among the uniform-DIF selected in this study, DK, OR, BS, WOFT were the Home-advantaged factors and 3P%, WFT were the Away-advantaged factors.
Key Words
DIF, uniform-DIF and non-uniform-DIF, Logistic regression, hierarchical analysis
Cross validation test of the relation model of physical activity Level, physical-perception and well-being in individuals with physical disabilities 자연과학편 : 지체장애인의 신체활동수준과 신체지각 및 웰빙 관계의 교차타당성 검증
48(2) 501-510, 2009
Cross validation test of the relation model of physical activity Level, physical-perception and well-being in individuals with physical disabilities 자연과학편 : 지체장애인의 신체활동수준과 신체지각 및 웰빙 관계의 교차타당성 검증
The objective of the present study is to test the cross validity of the relation model of physical perception and well-being changing according to physical activity level in individuals with physical disabilities. For this purpose, the relation model was tested through path coefficient evaluation and fitness evaluation by applying the model to the whole and to seven groups divided according to gender, whether to have athletes, and disability type. The subjects were 273 individuals with physical disabilities aged over 20. Descriptive statistics, exploratory and confirmatory factory analyses, and structure equation modeling analysis were made used with SPSS 15.0 and AMOS 7.0. The results of the cross validity test are as follows. First, in the results of path coefficient valuation of the relation model, all of the seven subgroups showed statistical significance in the paths of physical activity level → physical perception, and physical perception → well-being. Second, in the results of fitness evaluation of the relation model, the fitness index was higher than the acceptable level in all of the seven subgroups. These results show that the relation model of physical activity level, physical perception and well-being in individuals with physical disabilities is valid and stable.
Effects of 1RM, body composition and LDH according to method of weight training in male high school students 자연과학편 : 실시방법에 따른 weight training이 남자고교생의 1-RM,신체조성,젖산탈수소효소에 미치는 영향
김태연TaeYeonKim , 최재현JaeHyunChoi , 양점홍JumHongYang
48(2) 511-520, 2009
Effects of 1RM, body composition and LDH according to method of weight training in male high school students 자연과학편 : 실시방법에 따른 weight training이 남자고교생의 1-RM,신체조성,젖산탈수소효소에 미치는 영향
김태연TaeYeonKim , 최재현JaeHyunChoi , 양점홍JumHongYang
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of WT on 1-RM, body composition and LDH according to method of WT in male high school students. Sixteen subjects participated in this study from G high school in B metropolitan city. Participants were randomly selected among third grade students and divided into two groups, A type exercise group{(1 exercise×8-12 rep.×3 sets)×5 exercises, n=8}, B type exercise group{(1 exercise×8-12 rep.)×5 exercises×3 sets, n=8}. The group conducted WT programs consisting of 70-80%RM(8-12 reps×3 sets), 60-70 minutes a day, 3 days per week for 8 weeks. The conclusions obtained from the above were as follow: 1. 1-RM : A within group comparison revealed that A type significantly improved bench press, dead lift, squat and arm curl. And B type significantly improved bench press, dead lift, squat, shoulder press, arm curl. 2. Body Composition : A within and between group comparison were not significant % body fat, FFM. 3. LDH : 1) A between group comparison were not significant before and after exercise of pre test, but It significantly increased after exercise more than before exercise of post test. 2) A between group comparison were not significant pre and post test. 3) A within group comparison revealed a positive reduction before exercise of pre and post test.
Key Words
1-RM, % body fat, fat free mass, body composition, Lactate dehydrogenase, method of weight training
The validation of the children`s sports talent measurement model 자연과학편 : 유아 스포츠재능 측정모형의 타당화 검증
최문형MoonHyungChoi , 유진JinYoo
48(2) 521-531, 2009
The validation of the children`s sports talent measurement model 자연과학편 : 유아 스포츠재능 측정모형의 타당화 검증
최문형MoonHyungChoi , 유진JinYoo
The purpose of this study was to create and evaluate a children's sports talent model and to verify it's appropriateness. For this purpose all the theories about talent's development processes and measurement methods were examined and used to form the measurement variables of fundamental movement skills, physical fitness, sports achievement motivation. The fundamental movements skill variables consisted locomotion, manipulation and stability movement skills, the physical fitness variables were composed of the two factors health related fitness and performance related fitness. The sports achievement variables were formed by the factors aspiration level, adventurousness, achievement task preference, endurance and self-confidence. The sports talent measurement model was used to do research to 700 children in the age of 5-6, applying a multi-group factor model(Structural Equation Modeling) analysis. According to the results, the children's sports talent measurement model composed of movement skills, physical fitness and sports achievement motivation, was proved appropriateness. Besides, the results of the age and sex related multi-group analysis showed an approval equivalence index, the sports talent model also proved to be applicable to boys as well as girls in the age of 5-6.